昊天塑胶从事各式塑胶鞋材以及模具(公模)开发设计及生产。 昊天塑胶**致力于足球鞋、田径鞋、棒球鞋、高尔夫球鞋、单车鞋、溜冰鞋……TPU公模大底,雪地鞋、**鞋公模鞋壳、鞋垫:冷压、各种高级EVA、RB鞋垫、脚床、热压、泡棉成型、EVA上热熔胶加工及各式塑胶鞋材设计开发与生产。 以较具竞争力的价格,较优良的品质为您节省开发成本,争取为客户设计更大的利润空间。 承接对外加工:鞋材塑胶、电子塑胶、五金塑胶、玩具塑胶等注塑产品,可代工或者代工代料。 HaoTian is the company who engaged in various plastic components, soles, bases, parts and molds(including open molds) for footwear products from designing, developing and producing. HaoTian is an expert to produce TPU outsole for Soccer, football, athletic, baseball, golf, cycling and skates shoes, etc. Also we have excellent capability of mold design, producing development a..